Want to trade?
How it Works
It's easier than you think. Follow 3 simple easy steps
Steps to trade.
Create an account
Sign up an account or login an existing account and verify your KYC.
Create P2P trade
Choose the buyers and sellers coin details and rates for the trade to create.
You are all done
Both parties will be informed and trade handled successfully.
Escrowswaptrade.com Feature
Our Features
100% Encrypted
Our system is 100% ecrypted against DDOS attacks and other forms of attackes as it is a web3.0 platform.your account information, livechat history and transaction information is fully encrypted. You are in full control of your data.
Instant Exchange
With all conditions in place, our pair-to-pair transactions takes a maximum of 24 hours after Initialization. If the parties of the pair transaction pay are available throughout the transaction, it usually only takes a few minutes to complete a transaction on Escrowswaptrade.com
Safety of funds
Assets locked in the platform will not be released until the transaction is complete. Funds are stored in our blockchain until both parties completes the trading obligations.
Dispute System
Take comfort in our excellent dispute system which makes your transaction extra safe. In case of any arguments. Our supervisors are ready to intervene. Our dispute resolution system has been equiped to take care of any dispute that my arise due to transaction mistakes
Easy Wallet
We have created an easy wallet for traders to safe keep their funds even after completed transactions until they wish to withdraw to an external wallet or transfer in the case of NFTs.
Reliable and Low cost
We are reliable, we try to keep our trade fees at a minimal to help expand our transaction reach.
About US
We are leading in the market
Escrowtrade.onrender.com was Originated and Incorporated in August 2019 as an office administrative service for foriegn exchanges. It now serves as an intermediary service for cryptocurrency transactions. Today, Escrowswaptrade.com is one of the world's most secure and trusted payment system for cryptocurrency transactions. Escrowtrade.onrender.com serves as an intermediary professional service for cryptocurrency transactions. Today, Escrowswaptrade.com is one of the world's most secure and trusted payment system for cryptocurrency transactions.
- Fast Trade
- Secured transactions
- Low transaction fees
Frequently Asked questions
Step 2: Enter the recipient's email address. Use the email address associated with the recipient's Binance account.
Step 3: Select the amount and the cryptocurrency you wish to send (no minimum amount required).